Imagine a world without chocolate, coffee,
bananas, or wine.
This could be our reality if we don’t act now.

it’s a human issue.
Meet Maria, a coffee farmer in Colombia whose livelihood is at risk due to unpredictable weather patterns. Rising temperatures and changing rainfall threaten her crops, and by 2050, half of the world’s coffee-growing regions could become unsuitable.
Similarly, wine regions across the globe are under threat, with traditional areas becoming unsuitable for viticulture due to rising temperatures and extreme weather events.
Suitable cacao-growing regions could shrink by up to 50% by 2050.
Diseases like Fusarium wilt are exacerbated by climate change.
Half of the world’s coffee-growing regions could become unsuitable by 2050.
Up to 56% of current wine-growing areas may become unsuitable with a 2-degree Celsius temperature increase, rising to 85% with a 4-degree Celsius increase.

News Feed
As a young boy in northern India, Himanshu Gupta’s grandmother would often dilute the milk with water to ensure there was enough to feed their …
Published on: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:15:16 GMT
What GAO Found Precision agriculture technologies can improve resource management through the precise application of inputs, such as water, …
Published on: Sun, 07 Apr 2024 01:10:34 GMT
Agriculture is a cornerstone of human civilization, a testament to our ability to harness nature for sustenance. Yet, this age-old industry faces many challenges that hamper productivity, impact livelihoods, and threaten global food security. By 2050, we must produce 60 percent more food to feed a …
Published on: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 22:25:02 GMT
It seems to me that agriculture is one of the most exciting industries that AI is changing. If you think about it, it makes sense – so much of agriculture involves geospatial analysis, and using detailed data to fine-tune systems. But that's true in a lot of other industries, too. Maybe part of the …
Published on: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:12:51 GMT
Smart targeted sprayers are coming to market in a flurry. Some useful background and links to consider: See & Spray John Deere’s See & Spray is …
Published on: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:38:46 GMT
The next generation of precision weed killing is here. Introducing the industry’s only factory-installed targeted sprayer that not only reduces herbicide use, but also differentiates weeds from in-season crops. See & Spray Ultimate is the future of weed management. See & Spray Ultimate – available for select John Deere 400 and 600 sprayers – is revolutionizing how farmers can manage weeds to improve yields, cost efficiencies, and profitability. It sees, targets, and kills in-season weeds using advanced cameras and machine learning. It’s the only factory-installed targeted sprayer that distinguishes crops from weeds and selectively target sprays only the weeds. Shown to reduce non-residual herbicide use by more than two-thirds, See & Spray Ultimate also delivers a hit-rate comparable to traditional broadcast spraying… all at operating speeds up to 12 mph. That means less herbicide, less costs, and less impact to your crops and your land. See & Spray Ultimate features an advanced Dual Product solution system. With two tanks, farmers can use two independent tank mixes to simultaneously broadcast residual herbicide to prevent future weeds, while at the same time target spray emerging weeds with a non-residual herbicide. Two solutions applied at the same time in just one pass. From its lighter, stronger carbon-fiber truss-style boom to onboard precision technologies that seamlessly stream machine and agronomic data to your John Deere Operations Center™ account, See & Spray Ultimate is the ultimate in precise, sustainable weed management. 0:00 Introducing the See & Spray Ultimate 2:32 Product Overview with Ryan Stien, See & Spray Product Manager for John Deere 4:30 A look at the all-new carbon truss boom 5:33 Target spraying + Dual Tanks – Improving performance, savings, and yield 8:13 Data integration with John Deere Operations Center™ 9:16 +Gain Ground with the ultimate in weed management ➕ Learn more about how you can Gain Ground in your operation: http://JohnDeere.com/Ag ✅ Subscribe for more John Deere videos: http://bit.ly/2Yo9Oad --- Follow Us --- TWITTER: https://twitter.com/johndeere FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/johndeereusca INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/johndeere/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/john-deere --- More from John Deere --- Find a Dealer: http://bit.ly/2l8PivS Visit our Website: https://www.deere.com #JohnDeere #SeeAndSpray #PrecisionAg #GainGround
Published on: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 12:07:30 GMT
That is, if scientists can make the tech work in mud. Water is the most essential resource for life, for both humans and the crops we consume. Around …
Published on: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 02:55:13 GMT
As global warming makes water increasingly valuable, an Israeli company has developed a new system that optimizes water usage for …
Published on: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 23:11:22 GMT
5G, the next generation of connectivity, promises ultrafast speeds and near-real time response. The initial installations of 5G will cover a quarter …
Published on: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 00:17:05 GMT
Farmers have been left to navigate an increasingly complex tech stack on their own. What's desperately needed is a single, integrated, intuitive interface. Soil sensors. Pest management platforms. Irrigation monitors. Satellite imagery. Labor management. Yield forecasting tools. File sharing. And …
Published on: Sat, 01 Oct 2022 02:28:28 GMT
Engine 4 es uno de los cinco laboratorios 5G de T-Mobile, y el primero y único en Puerto Rico. Usando la Red 5G de T-Mobile, Engine 4 desarrolla procesos y productos en áreas como la agricultura, medioambiente, medicina y aeroespacial, entre otros; forjando el camino para que los próximos grandes descubrimientos tecnológicos nazcan y se implementen desde Puerto Rico para el mundo.
vicepresidente y gerente general | T-Mobile Puerto Rico
When you think about innovation in Puerto Rico, just one word came to mind, Engine-4. Helping and supporting the community and startups, leading the field in technology, robotics and IOT. Helping the new era that will take the lead in the world. Doing the best for the commmunity is something we as FiberX really support and are really excited to be a part of.
Ivan Rivera
President, CEO and Founder | FiberX
En Microsoft, nuestra misión es empoderar a cada persona y organización a lograr más. Por ello, apoyamos proyectos como Engine-4 Foundation porque impulsan la innovación tecnológica, la educación transformadora y el emprendimiento en Puerto Rico. Creemos que trabajando en equipo hacia un mismo fin, lograremos impactar positivamente a nuestra querida Isla del Encanto
Gerente General para América Central y el Caribe | Microsoft
Engine-4 es donde las ideas toman vuelo y la innovación se convierte en realidad. Agradezco profundamente su apoyo en el desarrollo de mis proyectos. Este espacio de colaboración y experimentación ha sido clave para avanzar la cultura tecnológica en Puerto Rico. Acerola Strategies florece gracias a esta intersección de propósitos compartidos.
Dr. Ubaldo Cordova
Founder and CEO | Acerola Strategies
Engine-4 is a truly unique facility in Puerto Rico, dedicated to exploring new technologies, driving workforce development, and inspiring the next generation. I see immense value in spaces like this as they cultivate talent and fuel progress across a broad spectrum of technology sectors.
COO | International Space Station National Laboratory
Orgulloso de la obra que se realiza en Engine 4, el laboratorio de innovación de Puerto Rico. Su enfoque visionario y su capacidad para impulsar soluciones tecnológicas son esenciales para el crecimiento empresarial de nuestra isla. Todos los emprendedores y empresas deben unirse a este movimiento de transformación.
CEO | Gravital Agency & Cobian Media
Engine-4 es el epicentro de la innovación en Puerto Rico gracias a su enfoque colaborativo y sus proyectos de vanguardia. Ofrece programas de aceleración, un laboratorio de 5G único en su clase, y alianzas con gigantes tecnológicos como Microsoft, Collins Aerospace y T-Mobile, fomentando el desarrollo tecnológico y el emprendimiento en nuestro archipiélago
President | Internet Society
Engine-4, under the guidance of Luis Torres, plays a crucial role in driving Puerto Rico's R&D initiatives. As CoFounder and Partner at DECA Analytics, I am a strong advocate for organizations like Engine-4, which actively contribute to the region’s innovation and technological advancement. We stand in full support of their mission.
Co-Founder | DECA Analytics
As Co-Founder and Partner at DECA Analytics, I wholeheartedly support Engine-4 and its Co-Founder, Luis Torres. Engine-4 is instrumental in fostering the growth of Puerto Rico’s research and development ecosystem, aligning with our commitment to innovation. Luis Torres's leadership is pivotal in this vital endeavor.
Co-Founder | DECA Analytics
Current Progress
People Helped, Projects Funded, and Partnerships Established

Grants Awarded
Students and Professionals
Our core pillars that guide our efforts in transforming and ensuring a sustainable and resilient future.

Research & Development
We believe that the future of agriculture lies in continuous innovation and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Our dedicated team of scientists, engineers, and researchers work tirelessly to develop advanced agricultural technologies and sustainable farming practices that address the pressing challenges of climate change and food security.

Training The New Makers
we understand that the future of sustainable agriculture lies in the hands of the next generation. Our commitment to education and training is unwavering, as we strive to equip aspiring innovators with the skills, knowledge, and passion needed to drive advancements in agrotechnology and sustainable farming practices. Through our comprehensive educational programs, we inspire and empower students to become the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow.